Blog | Interview

FHWA’s Vision Zero Success Story - CMT’s Safest Driver

While behavioral initiatives don’t typically fall under the Federal Highway Association’s (FHWA) purview, Cambridge Mobile Telematics’ (CMT) Boston’s Safest Driver contest has been recognized as its Vision Zero Success Story....
August 14, 2020
News | Interview

The Future Is Now: “A tech platform that can reduce risky driving” with Bill Powers of Cambridge Mobile Telematics [Authority Magazine]

CMT’s CEO was interviewed by Fotis Georgiadis as part of Authority Magazine’s series on cutting-edge technological breakthroughs. Find the whole interview here. Thank you so much for doing this with...
June 5, 2020
News | Interview

Heard on the Street, Episode 46: Improving Road Safety with Your iPhone [Street Fight]

Insurance is typically viewed as an old-school industry that’s not very sexy. But Cambridge Mobile Telematics VP Ryan McMahon thinks insurance gets a bad wrap in that respect. As the...
March 4, 2020
News | Interview

New Massachusetts Distracted Driving Bill Takes Effect This Weekend [WGBH]

Massachusetts’ new distracted driving bill takes effect on Sunday, Feb. 23. Drivers will no longer be able to use any hand-held devices while behind the wheel, except for minor exceptions...
February 24, 2020
Blog | Interview

AM Best: Best's Review Video Feature on Claims Automation

Insurers can settle claims faster than ever before.  Advancements in telematics and artificial intelligence have accelerated the auto insurance industry’s progress in speeding up the claims process. In Best’s Review...
January 13, 2020