News | Customer Announcement

Small insurer introduces new smartphone app in Ohio that tracks how you drive [The Columbus Dispatch]

Many of the biggest insurance companies have long offered drivers the chance to qualify for discounts by plugging a device into their car that tracks things like how far they...
August 17, 2016
News | Interview

Jersey City Most Dangerous Driving City [Bloomberg Advantage]

(Bloomberg) — The Bloomberg Advantage with Carol Massar and Cory Johnson. GUEST: Hari Balakrishnan Professor / Academic MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab Discussing CSAIL researchers launch of EverDrive,...
August 11, 2016
News | Driving Insights

Where Do America's Worst Drivers Live? [MIT CSAIL]

In April, CSAIL researchers led the launch of EverDrive, an app aimed at improving people’s driving by measuring habits like speeding, acceleration, hard turning, harsh braking and phone distractions. This...
August 8, 2016
Blog | Driving Insights

America's Safest Drivers

  Have you wondered if your city has worse drivers than other parts of the country? Do you think drivers in your city use their phone too often while driving?...
August 5, 2016