News | Distracted Driving

Motorists More Worried About Distracted Driving than Drunk Driving: Survey

Body Shop Business
February 19, 2018

Distracted driving has overtaken drunk driving as consumers’ top safety concern on the road, according to a Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) survey.

The survey of more than 700 drivers revealed that 63 percent of respondents are more afraid of distracted drivers on the road than they are of intoxicated drivers (37 percent).

Furthermore, despite concern over the rise in distracted driving, the survey findings show that current laws are not motivating consumers to curb this risky behavior and address the crisis.

CMT’s research found that 75 percent of drivers see other drivers using their phones while driving every single day, with 45 percent seeing phone distractions on the road multiple times per day.

“These numbers illustrate the severity of the distracted driving epidemic, and highlight the urgent need for a new approach that combats distracted driving through technology and consumer incentives to motivate behavior modification,” said Sam Madden, co-founder and chief scientist at Cambridge Mobile Telematics.

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